Tag: gratitude journal

  • Tell Me A Story

    Day 22 The Gratitude Challenge Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.  – C. S. Lewis My 5 blessings for today are: I am grateful to my parents who read me stories when…

  • Will Be Grateful For Your Body Today?

    Day 12- The Gratitude Challenge ”I finally realized that being grateful to my body was key to giving more love to myself.” Oprah Winfrey Day 12 of the Gratitude Challenge Nicole asks us to love our bodies: read more here My 5 blessings for today relate to my body: I am grateful for my feel…

  • Gratitude Opens Your Heart To Joy

    Day 11- The Gratitude Challenge There is nothing as magnetic to positive life experiences as a joyful heart. Joy is heart-centered, and is the spiritual expression of happiness. It is centered in deep gratitude and awareness, and it can be generated by the smallest of things. -Nicole Cody Day 11 of the Gratitude Challenge  Nicole…

  • Abundant Thinking Comes From Counting Our Blessings

    Day 10 : The Gratitude Challenge It’s Day 10 of the Gratitude Challenge and today I see Nicole has shared one of a wonderful quotes from Winnie The Pooh: “Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” ~ A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh Day 10 of the…

  • Day 9: The Gratitude Challenge

    Who Do You Appreciate? It’s Day 8 of the Gratitude Challenge and today Nicole says we are not alone and is asking us to say thank you and appreciate all those people in your life  who have taught  you guided you supported you etc. “Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express…

  • Day 8 of the Gratitude Challenge

    What’s Your Vision For Tomorrow? It’s Day 8 of the Gratitude Challenge and today I see Nicole has shared one of my favorite gratitude quotes from Melody Beattie: “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It…

  • Be Grateful For The Money In Your Life

    Day 7- The Gratitude Challenge My gratitude rock charging up my $5 note and my new money magnet “When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears.” ~ Anthony Robbins Today is money day at  Day 7 of the Gratitude Challenge : Nicole says: “In order to create financial flow we need to feel abundant. We…

  • I Am Blessed With Abundance

    Day 6- The Gratitude Challenge Abundance flows on Day 6 of the Gratitude Challenge : Today Nicole suggests: The Blessing Game: As you go through your day, affirm often I am Blessed with Abundance – Thank you! Affirm this as you put on your clothes and eat your breakfast.  Affirm this as you pay for your morning coffee…

  • Be Thankful For The Small Things

    Day 5- The Gratitude Challenge “Be still and listen to the whispers your heart is sharing with you today”- Suzie Cheel Today Nicole suggests if gratitude is not flowing focus on the small things  on Day 5 of the Gratitude Challenge : I know that just by sitting in silence and allowing my heart to…

  • Opening To Love and Friendship

    Day 4- The Gratitude Challenge   Today Nicole has added an extra gratitude to do on Day 4 of the Gratitude Challenge : to give thanks for the good friendships you have now, or have enjoyed in the past. Know that as you do this, and celebrate the Blessing of friendship, you are inviting this…