Day 9: The Gratitude Challenge

Who Do You Appreciate?


It’s Day 8 of the Gratitude Challenge and today Nicole says we are not alone and is asking us to say thank you and appreciate all those people in your life  who have taught  you guided you supported you etc.

“Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.” ~ Ralph Marston

You can read the post in detail here .

My 5 blessings for today are: I am choosing today to focus on the theme today of appreciation.

  1. I am grateful for all the nursing staff at Tweed Hospital who cared for me last year because their skill and care helped me keep my spirits high
  2. I am truly grateful to Des for all the love and support he gives me each day he truly is my soul mate and we share unconditional love it make my heart sing and I feel so blessed
  3. I am very grateful to my friend and free spirit Joy whose energy movement session last night gave me a wonderful sleep I have woken feeling refreshed and with lessened back pain.
  4. I feel so thankful to Nicole for her blog her spirit and for this challenge because it empowers me daily and has ny gratitude practice back on track.
  5. I appreciate my friends who each week are there for me on skype  I feel their love and support and this is so special to me and makes my journey all the more rewarding

So who do you really appreciate today?

Now I am off to count my blessings and be so grateful – wishing you a joy filled day. Please share your blessings below or at



Just in case you have just joined in head over to Cupcakes and Cauldrons for the full story