Tag: follow friday

  • #Follow Friday Fabulous People To Follow

    Who Am I Grateful For Today? These are  people I met through the 30 Day Blog Challenge and they have inspiring and blogs that will empower you. Follow  @HelenRappy from Helen Raptoplous whose blog is about moving your business forward by creating action habits. If you want to be an action taker read her blog…

  • Inspirational Follow Friday Tweeps

    Today I Am Grateful For…….. My fellow tweeps for inspiring me this week- This is my Follow Friday picks for this week Drum Roll for: Nancy Marmelejo @nancymarmeljo for her wonderful Profitable Essence telecall this week- like her thinking. Kimberly Bohannan @goforyourdream get her wonderful Habits of Achievement Lynn Serafinn @lynnserafinn whio introduced me to the…

  • Inspirational People to Follow #ff

    Today I Am Grateful For…….. My fellow tweeps for inspiring me this week- This is my Follow Friday Drum Roll for: Pam Brossman @pambrossman for her great Marketing Movie and her branding tip. You must follow Pam for the best tips in Video Marketing Tina Williams @tinawilliams for her enthusiasm and ideas- Iyabo Asani @coachiyabo–…

  • Follow Friday Gratitude

    Today I Am Grateful For…….. Each Friday I will add  new people who have inspired me during the week @avonridge– my accountability buddy Karen Brooks we are looking forward making 2010 so special @danaldunn-coach and friend who is doing a great session this week on writing a book in a weekend on Monday- get the…

  • Follow Friday Fabulous People To Follow

    Today I Am Grateful For…….. Each Friday I will add 5 new people who have inspired me @Micah for starting  #followfriday, I have met so many new people and I love that on a Friday or often Saturday am for me here in Australia I wake up to a wonderful stream of smiling friends in…

  • Follow Friday For Friendship……..

    Today I Am Grateful For The hastags #FollowFriday #FF and #ff So what is follow friday? The wonderful feelings of love and gratitude I get when I see all the wonderful mentions I get each Friday on twitter. Whats even more wonderful as it is still Friday in USA Saturday mornings are full of love…