What Am I Grateful For Today?

Today I Am Grateful for……..

Godd Vibes

  1. Knowing  that I will have a good vibe day and that the choice is mine, Iremove my self quickly from low vibe people and situations and I am conscious of my words and thoughts
  2. the people who made the good vibe water- the label reads ” Good Vibes for You- be you and change the world”- love the tagline
  3. My higher self and the wisdom it gives me when I am listening
  4. Meeting Lynn Serafinn in person- well by skype yesterday and feeling as if i was talking to an old friend
  5. Waking up feeling excited about the day ahead as I have a call with Sonia Choquette today
  6. The book [amazon-product text=”Traveling at The Speed of Love” type=”text”]1401924026[/amazon-productsuch a great resource for tapping into my higher self
  7. The glow of the sun peeping out from behind the clouds after 2 days of rain.
  8. Des’s unconditional love for me- such a gift

What are you grateful for today?

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