Monday Gratitude

Gratitude to Sue and Steve from Social Media Attractionaires….

This morning I had so much fun making this video. As I mentioned on Friday I spent the weekend asa trainer for The Journey Intensive. It was a weekend of awakening, gratitude, challenges, breakthroughs, love and joy.

This morning on my morning beach walk I made some sand images for this video below and made this video which is an entry to win one of 2 VIP access passes to Sue and Steve’s Social Media Attractionaires Coaching and Networking program. I knew I only had a hour or so  to make this video and upload it to Youtube. This video is a second take as I listened to what was wanted after I made first one- too long.5minutes plus. Steve had asked for 1-3 minutes so I needed to be very concise. I felt so inspired and passionate about what I am doing I decided to share this here with you.


You can sign on here to see the winners announced and see the Social Media Attractionaires program launched.

It is worth signing on as they have some great videos on networking, facebook and twitter.

What are you grateful for today?



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