Daily Gratitude

Today I am grateful for:

  • The birds singing as I woke this morning
  • The rain that fills the rivers, dams and makes everything look fresh and green. I am so grateful that I live where we have an abundance of water
  • The movie the Oprah shared on her show on Babies, truly beautiful – thanks to the rain I turned the TV on while having lunch


  • Childhood memories as stewed some fresh rhubarb tonight- we always had it growing in our back yard
  • Twitter, spending time connecting with new friends and having fun
  • The gift that Christine gives us each week with the Q & A calls and the time she dedicates to this
  • Getting back on track with clearing my stuff and taking a boot load of stuff we no longer use to the Tender Centre. What doesn’t sell will be given to charity.

What are you grateful for today?

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