Breathe And Allow The Gratitude To Flow

Day 13- The Gratitude Challenge


Breathing grounds us, it expands us, and it energises us.  Although it is a simple act, and free, it also empowers. The breath alone can be a healing force in our lives”= Nicole Cody

Day 13 of the Gratitude Challenge Nicole asks us to breathe: read more here  Breathing is an important part of my daily healing since i have learned that we get rid of 70% of the toxins in our body through breathing. After I do my gratitude exercise this morning I am going to do the Breathing exercise at my favorite place the beach.

My 5 blessings for today relate to my body:

  1. I am grateful that I have learned to e because it is helping my healing process and gives me energy
  2. I am truly grateful for sun shining this morning because I will get my daily dose of Vitamin D as well as have breakfast in the sun
  3. I am very grateful the free ebook : Dreams Really do become true from Jaimie Ridler because it has given me a great idea besides it is wonderful to read others dreams
  4. I feel so blessed that I have so many healing tools because each day I feel more empowered to heal myself and there is less pain
  5. I am so grateful that today I have woken up feeling love and joy in my heart knowing that  through just being me I was able to help a special person believe there is hope.

Will your breath energise you  today?

Now I am off to count my blessing then head to my favorite place the beach to walk and breathe  – wishing you a joy filled day. Please share your blessings below or at



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